All of Your Bullshit Excuses Destroyed in One Book

May 26, 2018

❤ Book #10 recap from my 50 Books 2018 Challenge!

❤ You can read about my initial challenge progress, and check out all the books I’m reading this year here.

❤ I got off track, but I’m back at it now:

Crushing It!

How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence-and How You Can, Too, by Gary Vaynerchuk

YASSS! Gary Vaynerchuk’s latest book, Crushing It!, is out and it is a MUST READ!

I read this everyday during my NYC subway commutes one week and found myself learning, laughing, and talking back to the book — it was such a great and interactive read. (Also further proof that I’m a crazy New Yorker who doesn’t GAF.)

I was inspired AF and I highly recommend reading this book or gifting it to a friend that needs some inspiration, fun, and motivation in their life!

It doesn’t matter hold old you are, what stage of entrepreneurship you’re at, or how far your personal brand has progressed—if you want to live life to your fullest, then this book is the game changer for you.

Gary is a giving man, and in this book he gives away all of his secrets to success and fucking crushing it!

He shares a ridiculous range of examples and stories and you will have not one excuse left for not getting shit done by the end of this book.

“If Pat Flynn can make a stellar income off a website dedicated to helping people pass an exam only a few people in the country have ever heard of, you can do it with soccer trivia or smoothies.
Please dig deep into what you know best or what you love most, or better yet, what you know best and love most, and start creating content.”

It’s both theoretical and tactical advice that you can actually understand and take action on, covering everything from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, to, SoundCloud, and Alexa skills.

I’m an avid listener of the GaryVee Audio Experience podcast and I feel pretty up to date on all this shit, but having all of this information in one spot to read in one week (rather than listen to over months) was amazing and I will definitely be re-reading this one.

If you read this and actually execute, I have no doubt you will crush it.

Gary doesn’t mess around with his advice or promises:

“It’s not [easy], actually, but you can’t half-ass this.
It will require big risks.
It will take all your mental capacity, your time, and your leisure.
You’re going to eat shit for a long time, but I promise, the sacrifices will be worthwhile.
Be optimistic, exhibit patience, shut your mouth, and execute.”

This book has so many stories from such a wide range of influencers, entrepenuers, podcasters, doctors, teenagers, etc that it’s ridiculous.

I really enjoyed getting to “meet” all of these people and read about their perspective, what they overcame, and how they did it.

“All the reasons people throw out to justify why they’re not doing what they say they want to do boil down to fear…
Fear of failure; I think what they’re really afraid of is being judged by people whose opinions mean something to them…
You have to do whatever it takes to settle your nerves, embrace the moment, and stop caring what other people think.
You have to let yourself be the sole judge and jury.”


“Be clear-eyed and strategic, be willing to work harder and longer than you have in your life, and you won’t disappoint anyone.
In fact, I predict you’ll surprise everyone.”


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