How to Get on the Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles

Jul 20, 2018

Book #21: Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein

❤ Book #21 review from my 50 Books 2018 Challenge!

❤ You can read about my initial challenge progress, and check out all the books I’m reading this year here. I got off track, but I’m back at it now!

Spirit Junkie

A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles, by Gabrielle Bernstein

Audio book #3 for me in this challenge!

I was traveling for a few weeks, and really enjoyed the multi-tasking benefits of listening to audio books.

My flight was delayed flying from Tel Aviv back home to London, and being able to listen to this book made all the difference and kept me calm.

After listening to The Universe Has Your Back, I was curious to learn more about Gabby’s journey, and this book was a great next step to do so.

Gabby narrates this audio book, as she does her others, and I loved listening to her voice and soaking in her peaceful vibes.

“We sense love, but we don’t believe in it.
We save our faith for fear.
But ultimately, there is a quiet voice in each of us that longs for something better.”

Bernstein uses her real, messy life lessons to show us how to apply spiritual fundamentals practically in our everyday lives.

This is what I appreciate most about Gabby — she keeps it fucking real, and calls herself out on the shit she does and goes through.

This book is relatable and down to earth, and would be an excellent introduction to those just starting on their own spiritual journey.

I’ve been on my own conscious spiritual journey for several years now, and although I was familiar with a lot of strategies in the book, it was refreshing to hear it from Gabby’s point of view with her life stories interlaced.

“Whenever you notice your thoughts detour into attack mode, say out loud or to yourself:
Happiness is a choice I make.”

If you’re facing heartbreak, trauma, addictions, and major life changes, let Gabby be your guide as she shares how she turned around her similar life experiences and came out strong and peaceful on the other side.

If you’re curious as to how the whole “meditation / prayer / miracles” thing works, this book will be a great launch pad for you. Gabby tells it like it is and gives you tools you can use to improve your life immediately.

From love, to career, to everyday life, all topics are covered in Spirit Junkie. It truly is a radical road to self-love and miracles — but a road that we must all face to find our enlightenment in this wild world we live in.

“Forgiveness tears down the ego’s walls of separation and reunites us as one.
The anger and fear of the ego’s illusion disappear.
There’s no more “he said, she said.”
It all just lifts.
It feels as though chains have been removed and you’ve been set free from a lifetime of terror.
Why continue rehearsing the role of victim when you could be free and happy?”

Disclosure: This book link is an affiliate link, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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