How You Can Change Your Life Direction Today

antarctica antarctica cruise discover empower face your fears icebergs life lessons penguins Dec 29, 2016

Changing your life direction. Contemplating the thought alone could be a catalyst for change. This thought can cross your mind at any age or life phase, particularly around this time of the year; for me it’s always a question that comes up while traveling. Bill Smith is a wise and accomplished Scottish ski patroller, artist, and polar expedition guide that I met on my trip to Antarctica through Oceanwide Expeditions. During the long days at sea, he served us passengers solid advice on the age old question of changing one’s life direction.


When asked, Bill advised that changing your life direction needs a moment of reflection; ask yourself what you’re doing with your life and take time to reflect on where you are at and where you are headed. Reflecting and meditating can provide a catalyst for change that stirs your heart, mind and soul.


Bill Smith taught us the art of “looking, seeing, thinking, and doing... listening, hearing, understanding, and doing.” You have to have the spirit and gusto to make moves and change direction -- know that doors will open if you keep moving forward. Become a lifelong student, and develop skills and learn from those around you wherever you go. Be curious, not cautious, and question everything. You’ll never have a clue what’s going to come your way and you can’t plan the future, so follow your interests and just keep moving forward.


Bill reminded me of and reinforced my biggest lesson learned this year -- that you learn much more from your failures than you ever do from your successes. You can’t move forward if you’re afraid to make a mistake, or give too much power into what other people think, so admit and embrace your fears as you face them head on.


Most importantly, Bill encourages us to “remember that this morning will never exist again... so make the most of it and remember at all times to make it fun!” Live and exist in this very moment and don’t be afraid to follow your intuition, chase your dreams, and fight for your happiness. What if you died tomorrow? Would you be satisfied with the life you are living? You are the only one that gets to live your life, so don’t give up control to your fears or other’s expectations. The power to change your life direction lies directly in your hands -- so what’s your next step?





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