SH Note #15 : First Access To My CUBA Adventures - Just For You

2019 cuba newsletter purpose reading shnotes travel Jan 11, 2019
Hello my love,

Happy 2019! Sending you my best wishes and warmest vibes for a relaxing and peaceful start to this new year.

This will be coming to you weekly(ish) on Fridays now moving forward — serving you shorter emails with more actionable travel and hustle inspiration — and figured 1/11 would be an auspicious day to kick things off again!

If you find anything helpful or motivating in this email, I would so appreciate it if you forwarded this to a friend to share the love!

I'm back from going off the grid in Cuba solo for two weeks, and everything has changed. Here is a peak into my Havana trip, and how it turned my life upside down and right side up.

I arrived back this past Monday 1/7, but have remained disconnected from social media until now. I'm slowly easing my way back, so I appreciate your understanding and patience as I'm taking my  time responding to all emails and messages. I am thinking about you and hope you're doing well.

  • Quick travel recap — I was in the USA for 10 days in December working in NYC and then home for Christmas. I left on 12/26 to adventure solo in Cuba for 12 days over New Years, leaving on 1/6 and getting back home to London this Monday 1/7.
  • Heading to Athens, Greece for a week at the end of this month, the week split between holiday and a work conference. I studied abroad in Athens when I was 19 (Spring 2006!) and am so excited and grateful to be going back again.
  • So much of Europe I cannot wait to see this year from my London home base — lots of trip options swirling around — right now I'm planning a long weekend to Krakow, Poland... and I still can't get my mind off of going to see the northern lights before winter ends. We shall see where in the world I end up!

  • I received this solid, short reminder from my sweet INFJ BFF — just do shit — don’t overthink and procrastinate.

  • I finished reading my 50th book of the year while in Cuba. I'm so proud of myself for taking on and completing this goal. From Harry Potter to Hemingway, 2018 has been a game changing literary adventure.

  • On a new life path figuring out how to keep my Cuba chill,  live in the moment, and still remain a productive hustler. This one from Gary Vee hit the nail on the head for me: 5 Tips to Hustle Without Burning Out.

  • "The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are strong at the broken places." — Ernest Hemingway

Remind yourself (over and over again) this weekend...
You are strong. You are brave.
You are good enough. You are smart enough. You are talented enough.

You always have been. You always will be.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out. Please forward this to a friend that would find this info inspiring too!

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“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.
The time will pass anyway.”
      ― Earl Nightingale

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