SH Note #25 : The Only Thing I'm Sure Of Right Now Is That I Need A Therapist And A Spa Day!

explore newsletter quit my job shnote spiritual stonehenge travel Mar 29, 2019
Hello my love x

If you knew how much I appreciated YOU for opening this up and reading right now, your heart would explode. THANK YOU! XOXOX

Happy Friday! This is my last Friday at work in an office (hopefully forever!?) and I cannot fucking believe it. It is excruciatingly bittersweet ― I cry every time I think about how much I truly will miss my global dream team, but at the same time I am so eager for permanent out of office freedom and what adventures are to come in the future.

I am beyond grateful to have worked with 13+ incredible humans (AKA goal crushers) in this global role the past couple of years. Managing a team that sits across three continents (NYCLondonBangkok), represents 10 countries, speaks a combined 12 languages, and covers accounts across 10 global SMB markets, while relocating my life from NYC to London, and hitting over $250 million in yearly revenue has been no small feat and the career experience of a lifetime ― I would not change one thing that has happened. It's been a complete dream job and honor to work with them and serve the team in this role. #100club4ever :) 

Some housekeeping FYIs: I'm writing this over Tuesday + Wednesday and scheduling on Thursday so I can just live in the moment and soak it all in during my last day today. I am massively behind on all emails, Insta DMs, FB messages, LinkedIn messages, texts, tweets, etc etc etc ― and probably will be for at least another week while I take care of myself first. I appreciate your patience during this time x

I did not send a newsletter last Friday, I've been in a world of massive shifts and uncomfortable change, pain, and heartbreak across my home, career, and love lives and I have had to take a huge step back from EVERYTHING and focus solely on myself and facing this pain head on so I can grow through it and move on. And I am so proud of myself for doing so.

I'll be completely transparent that I have not read any books or articles, listened to any podcasts,  attended any events, etc ― so I don't have a lot to recommend you this week. In the past my perfectionist self would have gone crazy trying to get content together to make it seem like everything was OK, pushing me further into a cycle of overwhelm, but I have released my ego on that bullshit. It is what it is and I am what I am! Let's all try to be easier on ourselves this week :)

Here's what I got for you this week you beautiful soul:

  • The four days I spent in Istanbul were absolutely wonderful. I forgot how much fun it was to travel with friends#IntrovertProblems :) I am still dreaming and drooling about our most delicious dinner and drinks + extraordinary dessert and dancing ever at Frankie Istanbul ― I'll be sharing more photos and our itinerary soon!
  • On Thursday, March 21st I embarked with my supernatural friend Sunita on a 3AM road trip from London to Stonehenge (my third trip there this year) for the sunrise Spring Equinox ceremonies. We were allowed within the stone circle and Druids and Pagans led a universal healing ceremony that was an otherworldly and spiritual experience. After hugging the rocks for three hours (+ getting muddy from climbing around LOL) we ended up going on a spontaneous road trip to New Forest National Park and had the most mystical encounter with wild horses. Blog post to come on all of this as well!
  • I've been getting asked a lot about my future travel plans ― I honestly have no clue what the future holds and I'm not planning it all out anymore. My big end goal is to explore every single country in the world. How and when that will happen I have not a clue. I fully believe that I have a lot of magic and miracles coming my way, I've put in the time and done the work, and now I just need to be ready to receive it. Success doesn't have to be a struggle ― so let it be easy and let it be fun!
    • I'll be living in London until end of May, then I have a one way flight to Philadelphia (yep still procrastinating on booking that one). The only thing I'm sure of is that I need a therapist and a spa day!!! :)

  • I got nothing ― TBH I went Cuba (AKA #AirplaneModeOClock AKA #PanicAttack) last weekend and deleted all my social media apps again.
    • I'm back now and sharing my last days of work over on my Insta story.
    • I am really looking forward to having more time soon to connect and develop friendships on social once this madness has passed!



  • "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." ― Ian Maclaren

Remember that you are good enough, you are smart enough, and you are talented enough.

You were born with exactly what you need to chase down your biggest dreams.

Love you, take care of yourself this week!

P.S. If you have any questions for me or feedback for future editions, don't hesitate to hit reply and reach out.

P.P.S. It would mean the world to me if you forwarded this newsletter to a friend that would find this info helpful or inspiring too! (New folks can subscribe here!)

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“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.
The time will pass anyway.”
      ― Earl Nightingale

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