SH Note #43 : Last Week Living In Amsterdam, Blog Goals, And A Major Investment!

amsterdam blog time building my biz goals missing home newsletter shnote Oct 25, 2019
Hey hey, happy Friday :)

It's hard to believe it, but this time next week I'll be flying back to my home base in the States.

Just got hit with a tidal wave of emotions writing that...

Half of me is shattered to leave another city that I love (again) and is craving more time here to explore, experience life, and hang out with my EMEA global family!

The other half of me really misses my Mom and can't wait to get home and be with my US family and friends for the upcoming holidays!

And honestly, as much as I've loved adventuring almost every day in Amsterdam, I'm just about ready to lock myself in my bedroom at my parent's house and focus solely on building my business for a few months.

Turns out that figuring out how to build a business is just as thrilling to me as traveling the world :)


  • Living out my ninth and last week in Amsterdam!!!
  • My college BFF Lacey is here visiting me for a week, and my sister Jaclyn's college BFF Kristin popped in to explore with us for a few days too! I couldn't have asked for a better way to close out this experience than to share it with friends that have turned into family :)
  • For the first time in a decade, I have no future travel plans booked or even in the works right now. I'm usually such a psycho INFJ Virgo planner, but it feels so good to have no commitments and a world of opportunities at my feet. I embrace the unknown and look forward to seeing what the Universe has in store for me in 2020!

  • O.M.G. I really thought I was gonna come to Amsterdam and build out my whole new blog... and I did NOTHING to even get it going. It is what it is though, I had to re-prioritize to avoid further burnout.
  • But when I get back to home base - IT'S BLOG TIME. I'm thrashing like crazy because I don't want to tell you guys this... but I know telling you will help to hold me accountable because YOU'RE the ones I'm writing for!
  • My goal from 11/1/19 - 12/31/19 is to update all my old posts, get my newsletter archives into searchable posts, and have a weekly posting plan in place for 2020.

  • I made a MAJOR commitment and investment last week. It's been over a year in the making and I've never felt more confident in how I am moving forward towards this soul goal of mine. It starts in 2020 and will have me in the States for most of the year (in NYC but I'll be living at home in PA). You guys will be the first I tell once I'm ready to share my next steps!



Now let's go and figure out what thrills us, one day at a time!


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“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.
The time will pass anyway.” ― Earl Nightingale

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