SH Note #52 : Life Outside Of A City, Big Dreams Reality Check, & My New Project

building my biz i got a car newsletter on the road again shnote suburbs Feb 08, 2020
hola, you marvelous human being!

Welcome to my weekly(ish) Friday(ish) newsletter ;) Are you feeling these courageous and powerful Leo full moon vibes flowing in yet?!

TBH I am writing this at 10PM EST on Friday evening... so it basically counts as meeting my deadline, right!? I am (still) working on a better automation process so I can create these more proactively and consistently whenever I have relevant info and updates to share.

As you know, my goal is to make these notes as insightful and useful for you as possible, so you can build your best life and take small steps every day to turn your dreams into your reality, just like I'm working on doing.

OK, so... I said all that shit last week about releasing expectations and letting life unfold as it should - then immediately turned around and spent daysss freaking out about my future...

Exactly how should I build my business!? When will I move out of my parent's house?! Where should I live!? What kind of home do I want to live in!? Where do I feel like exploring next?!

I did have a proper laugh with myself at myself when I realized how I was yet again not taking even my own advice :)

There will always be ups and downs in life - it's how we each personally accept, react, adapt, and learn to surf those infinite waves that will make the greatest impact on how we enjoy and thrive in our day-to-day lives.

  • (Last week's foreshadowed secret - revealed :) Holy shit, I can't believe I'm writing this sentence... I'm still wrapping my head around this decision - but... I GOT A CAR!!! I started driving again for the first time in 10 years!! Even on highways now LOL! This has been on my mind for eight months, but I still took myself by surprise going through with it.
  • I am unexpectedly - but fully - embracing and falling in love with life outside of a city. Nomad life the past few years was just as legendary as it was lonely and difficult (and you guys had front row seats to a lot of those ups and downs). I am so proud of myself for living out that dream to the max, and then knowing when it was time for me to move on. Now, for the first time in the longest time, I'm more than content staying in one spot.
  • It's been about a month and I still have to name her, but you know I already have like seven solo road trips dreamed up, so stay tuned for what's sure to be a hilarious year of me trying to remember I have to do things like pay tolls, get gas, and close the moonroof when it rains...

  • I feel like it's time to at least tell this newsletter crew that this thing below is in the works... I wasn't planning on it today as it makes me so nervous simply because I care about it so much - but I know that the Universe can't start to truly work her magic until I actually say out loud what I'm doing, so here it goes: I've been working on creating a comprehensive yet scrappy step-by-step guide for easily launching and managing one's professional and personal brand online (website, blog, social media, etc)! It's based on my experiences the past 11+ years building and executing my own brand, along with consulting dozens of other folks across the world on how to do the same.
  • My big dream for this is to efficiently empower and enable YOU to speak up where YOU see fit, share your unique story, and benefit from the superpower of creating your own small community on social media.
    • I have a couple of people I'm coaching through the guide in beta mode right now - it's so exciting, going well, and evolving rapidly - so I will keep you updated and may touch base to curate your specific requests and questions.

  • My friendtor Wade Brill's Mindfulness in March Challenge is now officially LIVE! It is donation based so it is accessible to everyone at any level. Her intention is to support you in creating a mindful moment in your day that you can access at any time and anywhere, right on your smartphone!
    • If you could benefit from feeling more calm, centered and present in your life, check it out hereI just signed up myself, so hit reply and let me know if you'll be joining too!


Now let's go and soak in these magical full moon weekend vibes, one hour at a time!

P.S. You are good enough. You are smart enough. You are talented enough. You always have been. You always will be.

Let's connect: Instagram || Facebook || Twitter || Medium || LinkedIn

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.
The time will pass anyway.” ― Earl Nightingale

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