SH Note #54 : WTF Is A Life Coach & Why Am I Getting Certified To Become One!?

certification co-active coach training crockpotting newsletter nyc shnote solopreneur training travel workshops Feb 28, 2020
well hello there,

How are you doing? Beaming you a smile and a big hug - thank you for reading today!

I completed my second course of Co-Active Professional Coach Training this week, and I'm ready to attempt to explain why I'm doing this and what I hope to get out of it.

Long story short - coaching has been on my radar since 2014, the certification has been a goal since 2018, I finally signed up in 2019, and started in 2020. I haven't shared much about this yet because even though it's something I've been called to do... I'm not quite sure yet how it fits in with my future.

I just know in my heart of hearts that I'm supposed to do this and that I will be able to unveil what I'm meant to do with it at the right time.

That drives the Type A planner in me fucking crazy - but I just keep moving forward, one step at a time. 

  • I was in New York City last weekend again for coach training! The first part of the coach certification program is five in-person workshops (three days each - I'll have 104 hours under my belt by May). I'm doing the first four in NYC, and the last one in London to get that global perspective :)
  • It was great to be back in NYC and enjoy hotel life once again, but at the same time difficult because I want to explore and hang out with my friends in the city... however, these immersive workshop weekends demand my full attention and energy so I've prioritized staying focused in a one-block radius during this time.

  • Sooo WTF is a coach!? The market is saturated right now with all kinds of coaches, and I'm sure you've seen your fair share of Facebook ads with all types of offers. There is an insanely wide variety of coach specialties and intentions out there - one does not need a license or certification to coach - and I think it's a beautiful thing. There is abundance for all, and I believe that there is a one-of-a-kind coach for every person out there!
  • For me - in it's purest form - a coach is a human that is meant to connect with, empower, and elevate other humans in efforts to help them bring out the very best in themselves, so they are able to connect with their unique life purpose and live out a happy, fulfilling life.

  • Coaching has been on my radar for as long as Jenny Blake has been (since February 2014 :) and I have personally hired several coaches since my divorce shit went down in 2015 that have made a tremendous positive impact on my life. That history is a whole blog post in itself - but if you're curious to hear more about my initial coach inspiration, check out the first part of this Pivot podcast episode.
  • Taking LOTS of time to reflect on my 11-year global advertising and management career helped me realize that the #1 thing I loved the absolute most was being a manager and a mentor to the employees on my teams. I have also been a mentor and friendtor to hundreds of others that I've been lucky enough to meet through volunteering, social media, and traveling - working one-on-one with folks to help them design, build, and live out their dream personal and professional lives sparks all the joy in my heart. Coach training is putting a method to my management madness and greatly honing my craft this year.
  • After four years of crockpotting (I.E. letting an idea simmer), I dove into certification research and chose the Co-Active program in August 2018. I was originally going to do it in London - where I was supposed to be living and working until 2023 - but obviously, things have unfolded quite a bit differently. I became a full-time entrepreneur in April 2019, committed to Co-Active in October 2019, and started my CPCC certification journey in January 2020.

  • Co-Active Professional Coach Training is widely recognized as the most rigorous professional coach training and certification program in the industry. As the largest and most established in-person professional coach training organization in the world, CTI has trained over 62,000 coaches, including employees in more than a third of the Fortune 100 companies.
  • Being a Co-Active leader means that I'm always striving to be in a state of awareness about how I'm being and what I'm doing in any situation. It’s knowing that we are all in full permission with the power to create our world every day, are in relationship with our world—ourselves, others, everything—at all times, and are having an impact. This program will prepare me to coach anyone, on any topic, with confidence, supported by the Co-Active Model, known as the most flexible and proven model in the coaching world.
  • After completing Professional Coach Training (five months) and Professional Coach Certification (six months) this year, I will earn the prestigious designation of Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), respected worldwide as the gold standard of coaching.

  • I've been pondering my coach purpose and niche focus for years... it's still an active work in progress, but here are is what I've got so far: 
    • I am a professional coach for introverted, intuitive women in business who are ready to stop waiting for the light at the end of the glass ceiling tunnel and blow that shit up themselves. I serve as an empowering spark to help them tap into their truest self, unveil their maximum potential, design their dream personal and professional lives, make bank, bold moves, and an impact on their community.
  • This focus stems from my volunteer work with the United Women in Business (since 2013, serving as NYC President 2014-2016) which has been one of the greatest joys of my life and motivates me to keep moving forward with purpose every single day.
  • My niche doesn't mean that I will only work with introverted women, but it is where I feel I am uniquely positioned to be of the best service in this world for the highest good.

  • I am beginning to coach regularly and practice what I'm learning in certification - right now I'm bartering with other coaches and healers as I figure out my methods and decide how I want to roll things out.
    • I will be offering free coach sessions to this newsletter crew as I continue practicing, so stay tuned for upcoming opportunities.
  • As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I've been working on creating a comprehensive yet scrappy step-by-step guide for easily launching and managing one's professional and personal brand online (website, blog, social media, etc)! 
    • I have been coaching and consulting Michael J Consuelos (who I know from Momentum) through the guide, and I couldn't be more excited to share his newly launched website with this powerful blog post that provides the challenge and encouragement needed to kickass in 2020. Congrats on your launch MJC! :)

Now let's go and consciously create our happiest personal and professional lives, one day at a time!

P.S. If you have any questions for me about coaching or feedback for future editions, please don't hesitate to hit reply and reach out.

P.P.S. Friendly reminder that you are good enough. You are smart enough. You are talented enough. You always have been. You always will be.

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“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.
The time will pass anyway.” ― Earl Nightingale

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