SH Note #58 : Black Lives Matter

Jul 31, 2020

hey! hi! hello!


Damn, it's been a while since I've sent a Friday note - 10 weeks to be exact. You have been missed and on my mind :)


Coming to you today from a new platform (I switched from MailChimp to Kajabi) so things may look different, and you can expect it to continuously evolve (as usual). All feedback is welcome as we move forward.


Sending out a huge, warm welcome to the new folks that have joined our scrappy fam! We are now 230 strong and I am so proud and grateful to have you all in my community.


So so so much has happened since we last touched base in May - both individually and collectively.


We have an unbelievable amount of things to catch up on - including my recent beta launch - so stay tuned for future Friday notes.


Before we dive into anything else, I wanted to first acknowledge the Black Lives Matter movement and proudly, loudly proclaim my support as an active ally.


I love you, I see you, I hear you, I respect you, I am outraged with you - I have so much to learn, but I will never stop speaking up or showing up for you.


It has been my white privilege to not truly sit and grapple with - to get to not accept or deal with these truths of our horrific, inhumane current 2020 reality... of how many thousands of innocent black women and men have been and are being unjustifiably mistreated, misjudged, abused, murdered, and left for dead or made out to be criminals by the system that is supposed to protect them.


It is so uncomfortable to think about and admit how much I have benefited from my white privilege and the systematic oppression of Black humans for the past 400+ years. I will continue to sit in and sift through this discomfort, as silence is not an option.


Yes, I am a good person who works really hard, volunteers, and plays by the rules to succeed - but this isn't just about my lifetime. There is absolutely no denying that I have had a 400 mile head start and an incredibly easier experience navigating the business world than my Black peers.


The game is rigged - my white ancestors cruelly cheated to get ahead, and although I never directly played a part, my complacency in accepting these current privileges makes me no better than them unless I do something about it.


I am so fucking sorry I had the audacity to ignore this and didn't scream louder when it happened in front of my face time and time again at work.


I promise I will not callously push this out of my mind again - I will not go silent and I will never stop fighting.


Please feel free to hold me accountable and be radically candid with your feedback as I continue my journey as an ally.


Now let's go, keep evolving, and moving forward - one day at a time.





✨ ✨ ✨

P.S. - friendly reminder that you are good enough. You are smart enough. You are talented enough. You always have been. You always will be.

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