SH Note #9 : THIS Is How You Kick Off Q4 With A Bang

books goals newsletter q4 reading shnotes travel Oct 02, 2018
Hey << Test First Name >>,

Welcome to my biweekly newsletter! The last quarter of 2018 is upon us — let's make the most out of it! I want to make this as strategic, insightful, and useful for you as possible, so you can live your best life and take steps everyday to turn your dreams into your reality.

I'm constantly consuming and creating content across all channels; below is my latest list of recommended links to help you build your best life:

  • I've been enjoying my time at home in London — for a record 3 weeks in a row!
  • The streak will be broken with a quick trip to Amsterdam this weekend though, to meet up with a friend I met in Antarctica :) My trip to Antarctica two years ago forever changed my life, and I am so grateful to stay in touch with the folks that made a big impact.
    • I have been to Amsterdam a handful of times since I was 19 years old, so this won't be a new country for me, but it's one of my favorite cities to wander around in, and I'm so excited to be going back!

  • I am on a book reading roll right now, enjoying getting lost in some fiction, and currently on book #35. I can't believe how far I've come in this 50 books challenge and am determined to finish strong.
    • #ProTip for reading on a daily basis — always have a book ready to read in your bag or on the home screen of your phone and make it your default action instead of mindlessly scrolling on social.

  • Friend and fellow traveler Maggie over on the Instagram shared a discount link with me — use it for $20 off (#WinWin ~ Maggie will get $20 if you use it too)! I'll be using it to book my Amsterdam hostel or hotel for this weekend :)

  • The United Women in Business Foundation NYC Chapter is hosting their annual (and my favorite of the yearLadies Who Hustle panel event on Wednesday, October 17th. I'm ecstatic that I'm going to be working in New York City that week, and will be able to make the event — I just got my ticket! If you're in the NYC area, I'd love to see you there :)

  • Q4 is here, the last three months of the year. What are you going to accomplish before 2018 ends? The reason why the main title of this newsletter is "BUILD your best life" and not "LIVE your best life" is because making your big dreams come true takes a lot of effort.
  • I consistently invest in myself ― with both time and money ― to achieve my goals, and investing in MOMENTUM has transformed my world for the better.
  • I've been a part of this private community for side hustlers and solopreneurs for over three years now and it has changed my life drastically ― helping to set goals, hold myself accountable, and get the support I need to achieve them.
  • The Momentum Crew was founded by Jenny Blake, an author and business/career strategist who recently published PIVOT (a must read book on my list).
  • Why did I join? Members get access to a private Facebook group, Jenny’s full library of courses and templates ($1,000+ value), as well as quarterly workshops and bi-weekly Q&A calls where you can ask Jenny anything about business tips, tricks and shortcuts. #ProTip: The Q&A calls with Jenny are PRICELESS!
  • You can learn more about the community here. It costs $125/quarter, and because I’m recommending you, you will get a $15 refund after you sign-up (I'll get one too). Just be sure to email Marisol (the Momentum Community Manager) after you enroll at [email protected] and let her know I referred you!
Now go forth, kick Q4 off with a bang, and get shit done!

If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out. I would appreciate if you forwarded this to a friend that would find this helpful too!

Let's connect: Instagram || Facebook || Twitter || Medium || LinkedIn

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.
The time will pass anyway.”
      ― Earl Nightingale

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