The Book That You Need To Be a Practitioner Of

May 25, 2018

Book #9: #AskGaryVee by Gary Vaynerchuk

❤ Book #9 recap from my 50 Books 2018 Challenge!

❤ You can read about my initial challenge progress, and check out all the books I’m reading this year here.

❤ I got off track, but I’m back at it now:


One Entrepreneur’s Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness, by Gary Vaynerchuk

You know all of those “little but specific to your own life” questions that pop into your head about business, social media, side hustles, etc, that you’re not quite sure who to ask, so you never make any real progress?

Well, #AskGaryVee runs the fucking gamut on all of your questions, so you’re out of excuses.

Someone get this guy the #AskGaryVee book!

I listen to the GaryVee Audio Experience podcast religiously, and really enjoyed having the show in book form, with all the answers in one spot at my finger tips.

Same as with Crush It! and Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, I had purchased this book a while back and finally read it thanks to my book challenge getting me back on reading track!

If you’re a Gary Vaynerchuk fan, you should own this book — it’s a classic, and you should know and be a practitioner of these answers.

I had so much fun reading this because there are such a wide variety of questions from around the world that I could pluck nuggets of advice from every page.

My favorite question was:

“What’s the best way to grow a following or community from nothing?”

Gary Vaynerchuk’s response:

“Put out quality content every day and engage around it.
It really is that simple and that difficult.
No one becomes a sensation by accident… It’s hard to put out content every day, and even harder when you’ve got high standards.
But you’ve got to try.
Eventually scale can take over and pure momentum kicks in and you can ride the wave of all that work, but that work really never ends if you want the amazing upside of fame, money, or accolades.”

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