This is How I Started Reading Books Again

May 22, 2018

I Screwed Up My 50 Book Challenge, But I’m Back

I challenged myself to read 50 books in 2018.

It was going really well… until it wasn’t.

I was aiming to be reading my 20th book of the year by now, but I stalled after I finished reading the 13th book at the end of March.

I knew this was bound to happen as my reading habits have been flaky, and it’s so easy to fall out of the daily reading routine.

That’s why I set this ‘read 50 books in a year’ goal in the first place, so it wouldn’t be as easy to overlook this dropping out of my daily routine.

:: should be reading … watches Insta Stories for 30 minutes instead ::

I’ve been trying not to be so hard on myself — after all, I have traveled thousands of miles and relocated to a new country in the past couple of months.

The thing is, I miss reading every day. I miss the ideas and inspiration, and the calmness it brings back into my life that just sitting down silently with a book for even 11 minutes brings me.

So how am I gonna get my book reading ass back on track after a beautifully chaotic two months around the world?!

1. Remember Why

I’m going to revisit my intentions for this book challenge overall, and remember the core of why I’m doing this for myself.

2. Give Myself A Break

Officially presenting myself with a get out of book reading jail free card. Harping on this and making myself feel bad for not pacing as planned is only holding me back from starting to read again.

3. Support Group

Touch base with a few friends that are also doing this book challenge, like Tom Kuegler, for some inspiration and motivation to keep moving forward.

4. Daily Routine Revamp

I need to reset my daily routine to include reading.

With my relocation to London for work, I’m living in a flat that is just a five minute walk from my office — it’s the best commute ever!

However, I used to spend my NYC subway commute (1 hour every day) reading the entire time, and now I’ve filled that extra time before and after work with… probably just sleeping more and watching stories on Insta if I’m being honest :)

5. Library Love

Time to use my local library in London and check out a book or two that peaks my interest.

I love libraries, and did not take advantage of what was in NYC, so I really want to make the most out of my free local library here.

6. Choose The Next One

Absolutely need to decide what book I will read next. This seems like a super obvious next step, but it is one I’ve overlooked until right now.

With the first batch of books I read, I always had a pile of a more books waiting to be read, so as soon as I’d finish one, I’d pick up on the very next day, never skipping a beat.

Moving from NYC to London threw me off track with this, since I had to pack up my life and all of my books, I didn’t have my usual pile of books lying around to motivate me.

Having a few books lined up and in eyesight around my flat that I’m excited to read will definitely get and keep me going again.

7. Update My Google Doc

I’m keeping a list of books that I’m reading this year, and have completely neglected it since March.

Time to open this bad boy up again!

→ I’ve created a template if you’d like to use it, feel free to start a tab on the doc with your book list (and LMK any you recommend)! ❤

I have to admit, up until this moment I haven’t felt quite ready to get back on the 50 Books Challenge bandwagon since I got to London in April.

But I’m finally starting to feel settled here and like myself again. I’ve definitely been through a lot with the London move and needed to give myself appropriate time to adjust.

Starting to review my original intentions and setting these simple steps to get back into the swing of things is already making me want to crawl into my reading nook and crack open a new book for a fresh reading start in London. ❤

→ I’d love to know… What are you currently reading? What do you do to read on a consistent basis? How do you get back on track after falling out of routine?

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